Fly Fishing Small Streams
Picture this; you've spent some time hiking into a small stream in the back country. It's early morning, mist is rising and the midges that have been swarming around you are breakfast for the small browns you have come to catch. You quietly walk up to the stream, watching the swirls of rising fish. You tie a nymph onto your leader and step into the water.
A trout skids away from under your feet, its flight sending out warning signals as bright as any neon light. The feeding fish flee in response and you are left with a section of river devoid of all but the midges. Welcome to fly fishing the small stream.
Stop and look before fly fishing the small stream
Before you get into the water stop and look at what is in front of you. This is especially true when approaching the small stream. Trout are well camouflaged, especially when you are looking down into the water. (A good pair of Polaroid glasses helps here.)
I like to make my first cast well back from the waters edge. If there is little cover then I tend to use a long leader and lay the line on the riverbank, allowing only the leader to enter the water, as close to the near bank as possible. That way, if there are any fish lying close under the bank, I will have given them first look at my fly.
Reading the water of the small stream
The waters of the small stream are like those of any river, just on a smaller scale. The fish will be in the same types of water that they would be in if you were fishing any trout stream. When you are fly fishing the small stream, look for those areas that provide the fish with their need for protection from predators, relief from fast flowing currents, and access to food.
Fishing the pocket water
I like to use dry flies when fly fishing pocket water in a small stream. The fish will usually be holding out of the main current but close enough to grab any food that comes floating by, and a drifting fly is often too tempting to resist.
Often it is not necessary to match the fly closely to whatever is hatching. Instead I like to fish a fly that is visible enough for me to see in fast moving water. Something like a light elk hair caddis works well. When the strike comes I can see it and I catch more fish this way than missing the strike by using a less visible, hatch matching fly.
Fly fishing the small stream usually requires a more sensitive approach and a finesse that is not necessary in larger rivers. Experience and practice are the great tellers here. Ability to read the water is more critical as the fish are often more easily spooked than their big water cousins. But when you make your way home at the end of a successful fishing day in the back country you know that the time spent learning to fly fish the small stream has been worthwhile.
About the Author
Dale East is a long time outdoorsman and fly fisher and publisher of Fly Fishing Wyoming
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Fly Fishing for Saltwater Salmon with Surface Flies
One of the greatest thrills in Pacific Northwest fly fishing is bringing large anadramous fish to a surface fly. While surface fishing in the saltwater is not as popular as subsurface fly fishing, feeding saltwater coho salmon will take a popper quite aggressively. Neah Bay is the best place to cast flies for coho salmon in Washington State, and I believe it’s also the best place to catch coho / silver salmon on a cast popper.
Of course, there’s a long tradition of trolling flies on the surface in the Pacific Northwest. But there’s a move away from trolling (which I do not believe is fly fishing) to casting and retrieving surface poppers in the Pacific Northwest.
First things first, fishing a popper for saltwater salmon is going to lower the number of fish you hook most of the time. If numbers of fish are your goal, I still recommend fishing a sinking line and a baitfish pattern, such as a clouser minnow. Surface fishing in the Pacific Ocean for feeding salmon is not about numbers of salmon hooked. You will have lots of follows, slashes, and boils at your fly. But out of all the interest, most of the salmon will not grab the fly. This is what makes this type of fishing so much fun. You watch the fish follow, and attempt to entice the salmon by slowing down or speeding up the retrieve (some days faster works, other days slower works). It is truly one of the greatest fishing thrills in the Pacific Northwest.
For this fishing, I prefer fishing 30’ shooting head fly lines. Fishing surface flies for saltwater salmon offshore of Neah Bay demands long casts. Basically, the more line you can throw, the more fish you will bring to the surface. I believe that shooting head fly lines give you the most distance with the least effort, especially considering a rolling deck and persistent winds. I like a .30 diameter floating running line. It gives you distance but without the tangling drawbacks of amnesia or other running lines. Remember, fly lines in a boat seem to seek out tangles. I use buckets with weighted bases to hold the fly line when casting and stripping the fly back along the surface.
An important part of popper fishing for salmon is the retrieve. I like a steady retrieve that makes the fly slowly wake along the surface, slowly covering productive fish holding water. The slow retrieve also gives following fish more time to make a decision to strike. It seems that fish will stop following once the fly gets within 10-20 feet of the boat (another reason to practice casting). To get this retrieve, I will tuck the fly rod under my arm and do a two-handed retrieve. This retrieve gives the angler more control and allows you to have that steady retrieve the coho salmon seem to love. Of course, like all fishing there are exceptions to every rule, so don't be afraid to pop the surface fly instead of the steady retrieve. It may be just the ticket when the salmon won't go for the typical retrieve. Coho fishing success is all about fishing hard and a willingness to experiment.
Like many forms of fishing that are less effective, popper fishing does require some dedication. Stick with it, even if you know for certain you are going to catch more fish by grabbing your other rod rigged with a sinking line and a baitfish pattern. You will rise coho salmon when you least expect it, and you will gain the most important thing when it comes to popper fishing for coho salmon…. Confidence! Confidence is the key to true success in fishing poppers in the saltwater.
I hope you learned a few things about popper fishing for coho salmon at Neah Bay. It is the most challenging way of hooking feeding salmon in the saltwater.
Chris Bellows, owner of Topwater Charters, Inc, which runs fly fishing charters off the Washington Coast. His websites offer more information about Olympic Peninsula Saltwater Fly Fishing and Neah Bay Halibut and Salmon Fishing
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Fly Fishing for Largemouth Bass
Like all bass fishing, bass fly fishing has exploded in popularity. The largemouth bass is considered by many the greatest of all gamefish. Once limited to just the Eastern United States, the largemouth bass has been introduced all over the continent. When most people think of bass fishing they think of, stiff fiberglass rods, heavy lines and large lures. But more and more fisherman are finding the advantage of fly fishing for this game fish.
Advantages of fly fishing:
Fly fishing allows the angler a wider variety of food imitations. While large lures only imitate a small number of food sources, flies can imitate virtually all the sources of bass food, including small organisms like nymphs and even dry flies. Fly fisherman can also cast out mice, frog, and a variety of other food sources for these opportunistic feeders. Many times bass are found in shallow water, hiding under or near logs or snags or in weeds. Fly casters have the advantage of more accurate placement, and being able to place their offering quietly without spooking skittish fish.
Bassy Water:
Largemouths usually emerge in early spring albeit a bit sluggish, but nevertheless with a speeding up metabolism, they are seeking food. Most largemouth’s will seek food in the shallows, being territorial the best hiding places will go to the biggest fish. Recognizing a good bass hiding spot is the first step in successful bass fishing. Fallen logs or weedy areas will provide cover for the wary lunker. Often times bass can be spotted by the careful observer, in clear water bass will appear green to pale olive across the back and white to pale yellow in the belly. In some areas a partner system will be beneficial with one angler standing above the water to provide a bird’s eye view. Float tubes can also be helpful allowing an angler to cover a lot of water in shorter amount of time, although you give up some of the advantages of sight angling.
When to Fish:
Largemouth Bass emerge in the early spring from deeper water. The exact timing depends on the region and the severity of the winter. But when ice begins to thaw and the water warms up, the largemouths metabolism begins to quicken albeit slowly at first. The strikes won’t be as hard, as the reticent fish, slurp in minnow patterns. Much like a trout slurps up an emerger pattern.
But once the water begins to warm to 60 degrees. The largemouth’s thoughts turn to spawning. In many areas this is around April. And the bass feed furiously, and seemingly without much thought to selection. It is during this time, that the bass fly fisher can found in their true natural environs. Bass cruising the shoreline in 1-3 feet of water, needing to bulk up for the upcoming spawn. It is then that the bass are the easiest to catch. Being fiercely territorial and in a feeding frenzy, they will attack anything in their path with a ferocity that makes this fish legendary.
After the spawn the bass seeks out deeper water, however, early morning and evening in particular can give one great action all summer long. And with the cooler waters of fall, bass return to activity that makes a trip to your favorite bass whole a worthy endeavor.
Early in the morning, I usually fish the banks with steamers. Casting out Woolly Buggers, Woolly Worms, Muddler Minnows, and even a leech pattern or two. One to three feet of water is where I concentrate, while the bass cruise actively looking for fish to eat.
In the spring time by afternoon I have switched to floating bass bugs. The very thing that makes bass fly fishing so fun. Casting one toward a nice looking bass hiding spot, I allow it to sit there for a few seconds. If you allowed the fly to ‘pop’ upon landing and have a nice bass picked out, often times this all that is needed for the bucketmouth to inhale your offering. Make sure your rod tip is at the proper angle to absorb the hit, or the game will be over before it begins.
If after a few seconds the ‘hit’ doesn’t occur, begin retrieving your fly at intermittent intervals like would occur in nature. This ‘popping’ action is what attracts the bass to your offering. Watch for the wake as the great hunter is not at all shy, and remember especially trout anglers, the bass’s mouth is huge and these animals were built for eating.
Well, The Big Y Fly Co. is about selling flies, so you didn’t think we would forget that did you. If it is still unclear bass are opportunistic carnivores with huge mouths, that will eat anything. There are the usual bass bugs that float like the Frog, and the Mouse Rat. Then there are the divers, that float and then sink when you retrieve them, like the Dahlberg divers. And then there are the streamers, like the Woolly Buggers, Clouser minnows. Furthermore for those hot days or big reservoirs, there are sculpins and leeches, that like bass will seek deep water.
The great Largemouth Bass has soared in popularity like few other game fish. If you haven’t ever experienced fighting one of these, you are missing out on something special. Now introduced virtually everywhere throughout the continent on North America, there bound to be some great bass fishing not for from your door.
About The Author
Cameron Larsen is a retired commericial fly tier and fly fishing guide. He now operates The Big Y Fly Company. Http:// He can be reached at The above article will appear in the Big Y Fly Fishing E-Zine at Http://
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Latest Fly Fishing Gear
The term “fly fishing gear” can be used to refer to a lot of parts of your fly fishing supplies. In this article, we’ll discuss various piece of fly fishing gear that are important to have on hand. You already know you need a rod and reel, but there’s so much more involved in your fly fishing gear.
Of course, you’ll need to have a variety of flies to use as bait for the fish. Flies are meant to mimic the look and movement of a fish’s natural food source. Some fish prefer different flies, and when you use what they are used to eating, your chances are better of landing a bite. Keep several different types of flies close at hand so you can choose the right fly for the specific fish you are angling for.
You will also need to have several different weights of lines so you can switch them out if you find yourself in waters with larger fish. Of course, your fly rod has a lot to do with what line to use, but if you have an 8 nwt rod and are finding some 10 pound fish, go ahead and switch to a 10 nwt line to increase your chances of winning a fight with that prize-winning trout.
Part of your fly fishing gear includes what you wear while fishing. You’ll need to have a good pair of waders so you can keep dry while going after your fish. Pick a pair of waders that will meet your fishing situation. Chest high waders are usually a good choice because they allow you to wade in all depths of water.
You will also need a fishing vest with lots of pockets that will hold your flies, line, and other pieces of gear. The pockets should fasten with Velcro so that you have easy access to what you need. You don’t want to be on the water and realize you need a different fly only to miss out on a passing school of fish because you were fumbling with your pockets.
A good pair of fishing pliers is almost a necessity. Many rivers and streams are exclusively catch and release water. That means that once you catch the fish, you need to let it go. This helps propagate the population and promote healthy fishing at all times. You will want an easy way to get the hook out of the fish’s mouth without causing harm to its body. Fishing pliers are designed to do just that.
Finally, your fly fishing gear should include a waterproof camera. If you are lucky enough to land a whopper, you’ll want to document it as part of your prize!
When you are amassing your fly fishing gear, things can eventually get out of hand. Many fly fishermen have an abundance of gear with the possibility that they might need something specific in a certain situation. That’s just fine, but the essentials that are listed above are a start!
About the author:
Steve has been fishing for many years. There is nothing he likes better than spending a few hours on the side of a river or lake trying to catch the ultimate fish. He has travelled extensively throughout the world and never lets an opportunity go by to try out the local fishing. He has written a book on the subject of Fly Fishing which can be purchased at . He can also be reached for further information at his website
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Fly Fishing Rods Review: Getting Help In Finding The Right Rod
On the other hand, if you prefer to read online, the most convenient way to find fly fishing rods review is to launch keyword search. A single keyword search will already give you a lot of leads so you can easily find what you want within a matter of seconds. However, be selective when it comes to the sites that you visit online. As much as possible, visit only those sites that are run by people who have good reputation in the fly fishing industry. You should also be on the lookout for articles that are meant to sell certain brands of fly fishing rods. Some of these articles that sell certain brands of fly fishing rods do not give you accurate information about their competitors so beware.
What To Look For When Reading Fly Fishing Rods Review
You should not just read fly fishing rod reviews for the sake of reading. When you read and article featuring certain brands of fly fishing rods and fly fishing reels, you need to pay close attention to the product comparison. When reading the product comparison, focus your attention on the product descriptions and what the author has to say about the quality of the rods and reels. As much as possible, read at lease three fly fishing rod reviews before you make up your mind regarding the product. Always remember that different authors have different preferences and their reviews may be a bit subjective. To make sure that you get a fair idea of the product, read at least three fly fishing rod reviews.
Another thing that you should pay close attention to when you are reading fly fishing rod review is the price. Compare the price against the features and the materials used in the fly fishing rod. Always remember that not all fly fishing rods are worth your money.
How To Find The Best Fly Fishing Rod For Your Dad's Birthday
Pay Close Attention To The Rod's Reaction
Different types of fly fishing rods have different types of rod reaction. For instance, fast action rods are best for quick tight casting. To get the best fly fishing rod that gives fast action, find a rod that is stiffer and bends easily around the upper third area. On the other hand, the medium action rod offers good choice for beginners. This type of rod is stiff on the lower half but is flexible on the upper half. Since your dad is already a seasoned fly fisherman, try not to give him this type of fly fishing rod. Sure, he will love the rod simply because you gave it to him but he may not really use it that much. If you want your dad to really use the rod that you give him, consider getting him that fast action rod.
Consider The Kind Of Materials Used In The Rod
The best fly fishing rods are made of good materials. If you want to give your dad the best fly fishing rod for his birthday, consider getting him a rod that is made graphite. Graphite is lighter compared to fiber glass and it is better at casting. It can also handle most types of fishing situations. According to many fly fishing rod review articles, graphite is durable and can withstand a lot of pressure. Many skilled fly fishermen prefer using fishing rods that are made of graphite these days.
On the other hand, if you want to give your dad something that is truly unique, consider giving him a fly fishing rod that is made of Tonkin Cane. The Tonkin Cane flying fishing rod is considered as one of the best these days and your dad will surely be thrilled to have one. However, the catch here is that most rods that are made out of Tonkin Cane are quite expensive. But then again, your dad's birthday only comes once a year and if you really want to give him the best fly fishing rod, you must be prepared to pay the price for it.
How To Find The Best Saltwater Fly Fishing Rod
Consider The Weight And The Size Of The Rod
Not all people are created equal. Some people are big and tall and some are short and skinny. Since people are not created on the same mold, manufacturers of fly fishing rods also do not creating their fishing rods on the same mold. Some types of saltwater fly fishing rods are heavy while others are light. If you are a small person and this is the first time to venture into sports fishing, you might want to stir clear from those big heavy saltwater fly fishing rods. Forget about catching a huge fish on your first day out as a fly fisherman. You will get your huge fish when you are ready. Since you will not be going out for the big fish, you might as well invest your money on a light saltwater fly fishing rod. On the other hand, if you are a big person, you might want to invest your money on big saltwater fly fishing rods. You don't really want to look ridiculous holding a small fishing rod in your huge hands.
Try The Rod Before You Buy It
Most shops that are specializing on fishing rods provide a place where you can try flexing the rod and determine what it is capable of. If the store has this kind of place, do not hesitate to go there and try the saltwater fly fishing rod before you buy it. Try casting the rod and few times to gauge the rod reaction. Rods are built for different types of reaction so make sure that you get the right one.
On the other hand, if the store does not have this kind of facility, do not worry. Just hold the rod in your hand and wiggle it around a bit to see if it is not too heavy or too light for you. Pay close attention to the handle of the rod. Your hand should be able to grip the handle tightly without any problems.
What You Need To Know About Bamboo Fly Fishing Rod
History Of The Bamboo Fly Fishing Rod
Bamboo fly fishing rods using the Tonkin Cane are said to originate from China. The Tonkin Cane grows near the Sui River located in the province of Guandong in China. The art of making bamboo fishing rod was developed around the 1790s. However, the contraption did not really become very popular until a few years later.
A good number of people in the Guandong province of China are skilled in making handmade bamboo fly fishing rods. Most of these people make bamboo rods for their own use at that but when other people across China discovered that bamboo fly rods are better than other types of fly fishing rods, they soon begun asking the people in Guandong province to make fly fishing rods for sale. From then on, many enterprising people in this area made a living selling bamboo fly fishing rods.
Eventually, the art of making bamboo fly fishing rods become quite popular not only in China but in other parts of the world. The fame of the bamboo fishing rod from China soon spread across the world and many noted individuals soon take to using this type of rod for fly fishing. As the years pass, the popularity of the bamboo fly fishing rod grew. Many noted sports fishing enthusiasts all over the world use bamboo fly fishing rods during competitions. The popularity of the bamboo fly fishing rods did not diminish even after several generations later. At present, many sports fishermen still use bamboo fly fishing rods. In fact, many sports fishing enthusiasts still use bamboo rods during competition even to these days.
What Makes The Bamboo Fly Fishing Rod Unique?
Bamboo rods produce smooth and fluid back cast which is essential for fly fishing. At that time, only the bamboo is said to be able to create that smooth and fluid back cast that so many people opted to use bamboo fly fishing rods over other types of fishing rods. In the hands of a skilled fly fisherman, the bamboo rod can indeed become a state of the art fly fishing equipment. According to many of these fly fishing enthusiasts, there is really noting like the bamboo rod when it comes to precision and fluidity of action.
Antique Fly Fishing Rod: Finding The Perfect Rod To Add To Your Collection
Take A Look Around First
There are a number of online stores and online bidding sites that are selling antique fly fishing rods. To get the best deals, you need to do a lot of online shopping. Before you buy an antique fly fishing rod online, make sure to check out the different websites that are selling these kinds of products. Do not be content with just one site. Visit as many websites as you can and check out the antique fly fishing rods that these sites have to offer. Compare the prices of the different antique fly fishing rods first before you decide to buy. You can save a lot of money if you take the time to compare the prices of the products that you want to buy. Aside from comparing the prices of the antique fly fishing rods, you should also try to compare their unique features. Bear in mind those antique products that are unique commands higher prices in the market.
Take Extra Care When You Shop Online
You need to be in control of your emotions when you go shopping online. Even if you are really dying to get your hands on that antique bamboo fly fishing rod, do not buy that rod until such time when you are sure that it is authentic. Remember that the internet is just like your average shark infested water. If you are very careful when you shop online, you might end buying some fake products. The worst part of it is that it sometimes difficult to get your money back when you buy things online so you have be extra careful with your money. To protect yourself from online fraud, do not pay your online purchases in cash. Instead of paying cash, use your credit cards or use a secure online payment system that does not require you to divulge any private financial information when you purchase online.
Fly Fishing Rod: Finding The Rod That Suits You Well
Consider The Kind Of Fish That You Want To Catch
As a fly fisherman, you have a wide variety of choices when it comes to the type of fish that you can catch. For instance, crappie, sunfish, smallmouth bass, black bass, rainbow trout and redfish are popular species suited for fly fishing. These types of fishes vary in terms of weight and characteristics that is why you will need different types of fly fishing rods to catch them. As a general rule, you will need heavier tackle if you want to catch the bigger and heavier fishes. On the other hand, if you want to go for the smaller and lighter fishes, you will need smaller tackle. The key here is to plan ahead and make up your mind as to what type of fishes you want to catch before you invest your money in a fly fishing rod.
Consider The Place Where You Want To Go Fly Fishing
Before you start hunting for a fly fishing rod, you need to know where you will use your rod. Always remember that different conditions need different tools thus it is very important that you already have a fishing place in mind before you buy your fly fishing tackle. For instance, if you are planning to go fishing in a small tranquil river with lots of trees around it, you will need a light rod which allows you to cast very short distances. Rainbow trout that mostly live in small rivers are not really so heavy so a light tackle will do nicely in this case. Moreover, you do not need a long line to catch rainbow trout so a short line is all you need. On the other hand, if you are planning to go fishing in a large lake with plenty of big fishes, you may want to invest in a heavy tackle if you want to catch something really worth a prize.
The Best Kind Of Fly Fishing Combo
Generally though, when first getting started, a lot of people find themselves attracted to the highly marketed fly fishing combo, which promises to give you everything you need in order to get started. While this is generally the case, you must be careful as to which fly fishing combo you go with, as they are not all the same. Even if they state that it is truly a fly fishing combo, you have to be careful because not all companies put together the same type of packages, which means that you may or may not get the best of what is out there.
Where To Buy Your Combos
Even though not everyone is a big fan of online shopping, finding your perfect fly fishing combo online is much easier then trying to get it through your basic stores. This is because with shopping online, you will have access to a much wider selection of stores then you would around your own town. Also, you are able to compare prices and selections much easier to make sure that you are really getting the absolute best deal possible on your very own fly fishing combo.
If you refuse to shop online because of the shipping charges or just an over all fear of Internet shopping, then you can still pick up a decent enough fly fishing combo through your local stores. Keep in mind though that you are not going to have the absolute best in selection because stores can only carry so many items. This means that you may only have a few different combos to pick from. But as long as you are careful in your selection you should be okay with the fly fishing combo that you pick out and start using.
Finding The Perfect Fly Fishing Accessories
Depending upon the type of fish that you are trying to catch and where your fishing location will be, you will need several different types of fly fishing accessories. It is always a good idea to talk your shopping list through with an experienced fisherman so that you are not wasting money on things that you could really do without. If you do not have anyone that you could turn to, it is a good idea to start doing a little bit of research so that you can have an idea of the basics that you will need to pick up.
Finding The Best Of The Best
When it comes to finding the absolute best in fly fishing accessories, most people would agree that you should find an online store that specializes in that type of stuff. This way, you are going to be introduced to the widest variety of fly fishing accessories available. By going through a company that specializes in this sort of thing, you are making sure that you are not wasting time looking over things that you really do not need. Also, this is the way to make sure that if you have questions that needed answered that they are really going to be answered correctly.
While this seems to be the absolute best way to get your hands on some top notch fly fishing accessories, some people are just too uncomfortable with shopping online. If this is the case, then you should really think about what stores are near you that you could stop in for all of your fly fishing accessories needs. Once you know a place that you can go to, it is important that you first do some research and list making so that you know exactly what you need. This way, you will not waste time or money on products and such that you really do not need.
All About The Fly Fishing Vest
The fly fishing vest is a great way to keep all of the extra bait, hooks, and line that you may need on hand so that you do not waste any time or loose your fishing spot. Also, people find that by having everything they need right there in their fly fishing vest that they can stay in the grove of things and not loose focus on fishing. If a person had to get out of the water and sit down to go through their tackle box, they may loose that momentum that was keeping them going in the first place.
Where To Find The Best Vests
When it comes to the fly fishing vest, there is no one particular vest that is going to be the absolute best for every fisherman out there. The one that will be perfect for you is going to be the one that is going to suit your individual needs and desires. What may work well for one person may not really work all that well for everyone else. This is why some crafty people are found making and designing their own fly fishing vest so that their vest is exactly what they need it to be. By doing this, they are making sure that their custom creation is going to be the very best fly fishing vest for their individual needs.
For those who prefer not trying to make their own, there are plenty of places that you can find an excellent fly fishing vest for sale. Most all of the typical, big name, hunting and fishing stores are going to carry a few versions of these. Generally, the fly fishing vest is not all that expensive so make sure to take a good look around and find the one that is the best for you and your needs. And since they do not cost too much, if you find after a few fishing trips that it does not work as well as you thought, you could always pick yourself up another fly fishing vest.
All About The Fly Fishing Vest
The fly fishing vest is a great way to keep all of the extra bait, hooks, and line that you may need on hand so that you do not waste any time or loose your fishing spot. Also, people find that by having everything they need right there in their fly fishing vest that they can stay in the grove of things and not loose focus on fishing. If a person had to get out of the water and sit down to go through their tackle box, they may loose that momentum that was keeping them going in the first place.
Where To Find The Best Vests
When it comes to the fly fishing vest, there is no one particular vest that is going to be the absolute best for every fisherman out there. The one that will be perfect for you is going to be the one that is going to suit your individual needs and desires. What may work well for one person may not really work all that well for everyone else. This is why some crafty people are found making and designing their own fly fishing vest so that their vest is exactly what they need it to be. By doing this, they are making sure that their custom creation is going to be the very best fly fishing vest for their individual needs.
For those who prefer not trying to make their own, there are plenty of places that you can find an excellent fly fishing vest for sale. Most all of the typical, big name, hunting and fishing stores are going to carry a few versions of these. Generally, the fly fishing vest is not all that expensive so make sure to take a good look around and find the one that is the best for you and your needs. And since they do not cost too much, if you find after a few fishing trips that it does not work as well as you thought, you could always pick yourself up another fly fishing vest.
Going On The Perfect Fly Fishing Vacation
You want to make sure that all of your supplies for your fly fishing vacation are in order so that you are not wasting time purchasing things later on. You want to be able to spend as much time fishing as possible so make sure that you are completely ready for your fly fishing vacation before you even head out. There may be things that are no longer in your tackle box for some reason or things that really just need to be replaced because they are old. It is always advisable to go through your entire fishing supply collection every year so that you are totally prepared for every fishing situation.
Ways To Find The Perfect Supplies
When it comes to shopping for their fly fishing vacation supplies, people just generally find themselves checking out their local fishing and camping stores. While there is no problem with this, you have to realize that you will be limited on the selection of items for your fly fishing vacation supplies. If you have a time crunch that you are dealing with though, this may be your only way to get enough supplies to get through your fly fishing vacation. If you have a little more time on your hands because you were proactive and started to get things ready early, there are better ways to get yourself and your tackle box prepared.
If you have the time to wait for the mail system, then shopping online is going to be your best bet for all of your fly fishing vacation needs whether its more bait or a fly fishing vest. This is because by allowing yourself to search the Internet, you will come across a much bigger variety then what you could normally find in the stores. And to have things that not every other fisherman is going to have out on the lake may just give you the little bit of a added advantage. Also, you may find that the deals for the equipment and supplies you need or want are unbeatable and are something that you simply just cannot pass up.
Going On The Perfect Fly Fishing Vacation
You want to make sure that all of your supplies for your fly fishing vacation are in order so that you are not wasting time purchasing things later on. You want to be able to spend as much time fishing as possible so make sure that you are completely ready for your fly fishing vacation before you even head out. There may be things that are no longer in your tackle box for some reason or things that really just need to be replaced because they are old. It is always advisable to go through your entire fishing supply collection every year so that you are totally prepared for every fishing situation.
Ways To Find The Perfect Supplies
When it comes to shopping for their fly fishing vacation supplies, people just generally find themselves checking out their local fishing and camping stores. While there is no problem with this, you have to realize that you will be limited on the selection of items for your fly fishing vacation supplies. If you have a time crunch that you are dealing with though, this may be your only way to get enough supplies to get through your fly fishing vacation. If you have a little more time on your hands because you were proactive and started to get things ready early, there are better ways to get yourself and your tackle box prepared.
If you have the time to wait for the mail system, then shopping online is going to be your best bet for all of your fly fishing vacation needs whether its more bait or a fly fishing vest. This is because by allowing yourself to search the Internet, you will come across a much bigger variety then what you could normally find in the stores. And to have things that not every other fisherman is going to have out on the lake may just give you the little bit of a added advantage. Also, you may find that the deals for the equipment and supplies you need or want are unbeatable and are something that you simply just cannot pass up.
Getting Prepared For Your Fly Fishing Trip
It would be idea to start looking through your tackle box and supplies well in advance before your fly fishing trip is set to begin. This is so that you will have plenty of time to stock up on the supplies and things that you are in need of. Even if you think that you are fully stocked, if you have not been on a fly fishing trip in a while, there may be things that you are forgetting about. Give yourself plenty of shopping time so that you are not too rushed on finding the things you need in order to get prepared for your fly fishing trip.
Places To Find Great Deals
When it comes to buying all of your supplies for your fly fishing trip, it is important to try and find the best deals possible so that you can save yourself some money. Even though individual pieces of things that you are in need of do not seem to cost a lot of money, when they are all added up, you will be surprised on how much you are spending. Some people just cannot seem to walk out of a store without spending several hundred dollars in getting prepared for their fly fishing trip.
In order to prevent yourself from spending money like that for your fly fishing trip, it is a good idea to do some smart shopping in order to get the best deals around. A good place to start is always the Internet because that is the one place that you can go to that you will be able to compare several stores without having to drive all over town. Also, when purchasing online, you may be able to even save money by buying in bulk and still end up spending less on your fly fishing trip then you would have ever done in the regular stores.
Finding The Right Fly Fishing Product
If you have a particular goal in mind such as the type of fish you want to catch and know what kind of waters you will be fishing in, you will want to use that information. This way, you can take that information and use it to help determine which particular fly fishing product would be the absolute best for you and your personal fishing needs. By taking that information, you can start search the web or talking with people you know to get their opinion on what they think the best fly fishing product would be for you to use on your upcoming adventure.
Where To Shop
Most people find themselves stuck purchasing their fly fishing product at the same old spot year after year. This is generally their local bait store or outdoor supply company as it is just what they are used to doing. Plus, it is where everyone else they know goes so it is where they go. But the down fall to this is that you are generally going to have the same selection of your desired fly fishing product year after year after year. If you like the typical stuff then that is perfect for you but if you are looking for something that is going to maybe give you an advantage over everyone else then you may have to shop elsewhere.
If you are finally ready to start looking for a fly fishing product that is different and possibly even better then what everyone else has, you must be prepared to do a little looking. The best place to start is the Internet, as the web will be filled with all sorts of online stores that will have a big variety of the fly fishing product that you are in need of. Simply start looking and you will probably be amazed at the variety of stuff that you will find. In the end, you will wonder why you never started looking at the Internet for the fly fishing product that you needed.
Finding The Right Fly Fishing Product
If you have a particular goal in mind such as the type of fish you want to catch and know what kind of waters you will be fishing in, you will want to use that information. This way, you can take that information and use it to help determine which particular fly fishing product would be the absolute best for you and your personal fishing needs. By taking that information, you can start search the web or talking with people you know to get their opinion on what they think the best fly fishing product would be for you to use on your upcoming adventure.
Where To Shop
Most people find themselves stuck purchasing their fly fishing product at the same old spot year after year. This is generally their local bait store or outdoor supply company as it is just what they are used to doing. Plus, it is where everyone else they know goes so it is where they go. But the down fall to this is that you are generally going to have the same selection of your desired fly fishing product year after year after year. If you like the typical stuff then that is perfect for you but if you are looking for something that is going to maybe give you an advantage over everyone else then you may have to shop elsewhere.
If you are finally ready to start looking for a fly fishing product that is different and possibly even better then what everyone else has, you must be prepared to do a little looking. The best place to start is the Internet, as the web will be filled with all sorts of online stores that will have a big variety of the fly fishing product that you are in need of. Simply start looking and you will probably be amazed at the variety of stuff that you will find. In the end, you will wonder why you never started looking at the Internet for the fly fishing product that you needed.
Purchasing Fly Fishing Flies
There would be nothing worse then to attempt to catch some fish for the night's dinner and end up empty handed because you were not properly equipped. This is why having a wide variety of fly fishing flies is so important. By having a great selection on hand, you will be sure to have what you need for every circumstance and every fishing expedition that comes up. Do not be left empty handed for the nights dinner simply because you were not prepared with the right kind of fly fishing flies.
Where To Buy Them At
When it comes to wanting to find the perfect fly fishing flies for your fishing trip, there is nothing better then keeping your eyes open so you can find the very best of what is out there. You can certainly head towards your local outdoors store where you are bound to find a decent enough selection of fly fishing flies. Of course, you will be sort of limited as to what is really available out there but it is certainly enough to get you started. If you are pressed for time and really need to stock up on something, these types of stores are the perfect places to go.
Of course, if you have a little time on your hands and would like to get a selection of fly fishing flies that not everyone else and their mother has, then you should try online shopping. By looking for your fly fishing flies online, you will soon see that there is a bigger variety in these things then you would have ever though possible. You are much likely to get the very best of the fly fishing flies by allowing yourself to shop online so that you can compare and purchase the best of the best so you have the best shot possible at getting the fish you want.
Fly Fishing Instruction Courses
If you love to fish, you may have contemplated getting into various types of fishing. You may be considering fly fishing, or bass fly fishing, or even saltwater fly fishing. If you are a seasoned fisherman or woman, you may think that you can teach yourself these new sports. However, fly fishing is not as easy as you might think, and because of this it is important that you get some fly fishing instruction before you embark on your fly fishing experience.
Where To Go
Many community colleges offer non credit courses. These courses include dance, acting, foreign languages, and community service. Some community colleges offer fishing classes or, more specifically, fly fishing instruction classes. If you are serious about becoming a strong fly fisher, you may want to consider taking classes like this from someone who truly knows what he or she is talking about. You will, of course, have to pay a small fee, but you will be paying for real fly fishing instruction. You will have the guarantee that your instructor is trained and is a hired professional. In your fly fishing instruction course you will probably get actual fishing time with your instructor. This can be invaluable to you as your instructor will be able to tell you what you are doing right and if you are doing anything incorrectly.
Finding A Mentor
If you do not have the time or money to take a fly fishing instruction course at your local community college, you should look into finding a fly fishing mentor. If you live in an area where there are many fly fishermen or women, this should not be difficult. Ask someone you know who fly fishes to take you under his or her wing and teach you what he or she knows. You will learn firsthand from someone who has been there and done it many times. This mentor should be able to tell you what, specifically, will work for your area or region, and what rivers, lakes, or other bodies of water are the best places to fly fish.
Why You Should Not Do It Alone
Fly fishing seems like a very mild sport, but the fact is that several people die every year from fly fishing accidents. If you want to learn how to fly fish and be safe while doing it, you need to either take a fly fishing instruction course at your local community college, or find a fly fishing mentor.
Learning With A Fly Fishing Video
If you are a fisherman or woman, you know how relaxing fishing can be. You are out on the lake or river before most of the population is even awake. After a long day of fishing, you can bring your catch home and eat it for dinner. However, you may be looking to do something a little more difficult than standard fishing—fly fishing! If you want to learn how to fly fish properly, you may want to watch a fly fishing video to learn basic fly fishing instruction.
Why A Video?
Watching a fly fishing video can be invaluable in your fly fishing instruction. You could simply read a book and try to learn how to fly fish, but it will not be nearly as helpful as a fly fishing video. A book is simply words and pictures. Even if you can understand the concepts behind fly fishing, it is much harder to actually do it. If you look at the pictures in a book, you may begin to grasp some type of understanding on how to cast your line, but if you watch it in action on a video or in person, you will actually be able to see how it is done.
A video is like watching a live person perform the steps for fly fishing. In a fly fishing video, you will have most, if not all, of your questions answered. You will see how someone actually casts their line, how they make their bait, what the bait looks like, and how the bait moves in the air. You will see the various obstacles that a fly fisherman or woman is presented with, including wind or rough currents. Instead of simply reading about them, you will see it happen.
A fly fishing video can help prepare you for fly fishing more than a book or a magazine could. However, it still might be helpful to read a fly fishing book or magazine in conjunction with watching a fly fishing video or two.
Beyond The Video
Even after you watch a fly fishing video, you may still want to find a fly fishing mentor. The only way you can learn completely is to do, and a fly fishing mentor can help to show you what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. In addition, there are some dangerous aspects of fly fishing. A video may explain the basic dangers, but someone who has been doing it for years will know these dangers in depth and can help you avoid them.
So instead of just reading a fly fishing book, look for both a fly fishing video and a fly fishing mentor before you head out to fish!
Great Fly Fishing Tips
Chances are this person is you. You've done your research. You've gone shopping and spent a small fortune on fishing equipment. Now you are ready to head out to the water...technically. Sure you have all of the right gear, but have you been given any fly fishing tips?
This article serves to give you a few basic fly fishing tips that, hopefully, will help you come home much richer in fish than when you left.
Make sure that you practice casting. The more time you spend practicing your casting, the better you will get at it. The best way to practice casting is to use a flat surface outside of your house (definitely do not practice casting indoors, it would lead to inevitable disaster). Mark a few targets on this flat surface and then go out for a little bit each day and practice casting to these targets. This will help you to improve your casting accuracy.
Choose a rod that feels comfortable for you. You know what kind you will want, flexibility wise, but choose one that is the right length as well. If you are short, you will probably get hung up if you try to use a rod that is too long. To this end, you will want to learn how to hold your fly rod correctly. This type of fishing is not a quick sport. You will want to be able to hold onto this rod comfortably for long periods of time.
The best bait is a natural prey of the fish you are trying to catch. There are experts who swear that the fancy bait is not necessary and that all you need is a simple worm. In the event that you would like to buy the fancy bait, you should choose bait that mimics a worm or a grub and is brightly colored so that it will attract the fish's attention.
Waterproof your dry flies. This will help them to float on the water for a longer period of time. You can do this with Scotch-guard (which can be found in almost any general goods store). The waterproofing keeps them from becoming waterlogged and sinking.
Make sure that your knots are tied tightly and effectively. A knot that is tied improperly or that is too loose could spell disaster in fly fishing.
These are just a few of the many fishing tips that anglers will share with each other when they are out fly fishing. A simple search through the internet or your local library is sure to turn up pages more.
Tired of fumbling with your rod and reel?
Get The Insider, Professional Fly-fishing Tricks, Tips and Techniques at
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Learning More About Angling

Angling equipment depends on the type of fish you want to catch and where you'll be fishing. For ponds or small lakes, an ultralight to medium weight pole is just fine. Keep in mind what size of fish you can expect to catch, as bigger lakes may have bigger fish, requiring sturdy poles.
Catfish, walleye, lake trout, and bass may need a heavier weight rod. Heavier fishing gear provides more control when you're trying to reel in your catch. Also, angling with heavier rods and reels allows you to use bigger lures with more weight, making it easier to cast farther.
Likewise, the type of fishing boat you have has a big impact on your fishing experience. For the most part, recreational boats like ski boats, speed boats, and pontoons don't make a good fishing boat. Many of them are too large and cannot be safely maneuvered around structures to allow successful angling.
If you are fishing a lake or other large body of water, especially if there are many waves or rough water, a fishing boat whose bottom has a V shape will usually fare better than a flat bottomed boat. In V bottom boats the V shape helps to stabilize the boat against waves when fishing and it cuts through waves when moving between fishing spots.
The weakness of a V bottom boat is that it cannot go into shallow water. This is usually not a problem on many lakes, but it makes taking a V bottom boat on many rivers somewhat risky. A flat bottom boat, on the other hand, if the motor is fitted with a 'jet' instead of a prop, can make it through water only a few inches deep.
No matter what type of fishing gear you kit yourself out with or how much money you sink into a fishing boat, you won't find the perfect equipment to catch fish. Of course, trying to use the most appropriate gear for a great catch while you're out angling is the best thing to do.
Just keep in mind the type of fish you're trying to catch and which area you'll be angling in. Also, try not to be too specific in your equipment. Many fishing boats are built for angling only in certain conditions, which leaves you high and dry the rest of the time.
Visit Mike Selvon fishing portal for more information on angling, and leave a comment at our fishing blog. Don't forget to claim your FREE Salt Water Fishing Secrets gift.
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